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Rendering Specifications

Note: R, G, B values should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0

Camera (Status: Up-to-date)

camera id
projection [PERSPECTIVE] or [PARALLEL]
frustum ({left} {right} {bottom} {top}) ({nearPlane} {farPlane})
  • {left}: Defines the left X axis of the Nearplane and Farplane.
  • {right}: Defines the Right X axis of the Nearplane and Farplane.
  • {bottom}: Defines the Bottom Y axis of the Nearplane and Farplane.
  • {top}: Defines the Top Y axis of the Nearplane and Farplane.
  • {nearPlane}: Defines the Z axis of the Nearplane.
  • {farPlane}: Defines the Z axis of the Farplane.

The default Camera is: PERSPECTIVE, with 45° FOV, 1280x720 Aspect Ratio, 0.1 nearPlane, and 1000 farPlane.

Lights (Status: Up-to-date)

light id
color (R G B)

Creates a light that can optionally be colored and a directed or ambient beam. For Directional lighting, you can specify the vector direction the light is pointing to.


Viewport id
cameraID [camid]
(left top width height)

Single or multiple viewport setting.

Background Color

backgroundcolor (R G B) endbackground
Sets background color of scene.

Global Frontface Color

frontcolor (R G B) endfrontcolor

Set global frontface color, can't use slider to interactively change this.

Local Frontface Color

surface id (R G B) endsurface

Defines a surface color by its RGB values in the range [0, 1].

Global Backface Color

backcolor (R G B) endbackcolor

Set global backface color, can't use slider to interactively change this.

Local Backface Color

backface id color (R G B) endbackface

Set the backface color for each individual backface.